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Laser Hair Removal Cost

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Laser Hair Removal  Cost Calabasas | San Fernando Valley | Encino Laser hair removal treatment has continued to be recognized as the leading solution globally among several traditional and non-traditional solutions available today. Rejuvenate Medical Spa is an eminent facility providing anti-aging and aesthetic non-surgical treatments to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, CA, and nearby locations. The med spa is led by Dr. Bijan Farah, who ensures that high quality and personalized care is provided to every patient.

Variable Cost

The cost of laser hair removal treatments can be variable depending on a number of factors. However, as a non-surgical solution, the treatment is substantially more affordable compared to a typical cosmetic surgery procedure. Where the Medical Spa is Located The average cost of laser hair removal and other aesthetic or anti-aging treatments can vary from one geographical location to another. The cost of living index of each region may have an influence on the cost of most types of goods and services. Therefore, the cost of this treatment in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, CA, or nearby areas is likely to differ from the cost in, say, Austin, TX. Technology and Services at the Med Spa The type of advanced laser hair removal technology and equipment available at a particular medical spa, and the scale of personalized care and services along with an experienced staff may impact the overall cost of procedure to some extent. It is advisable to choose a reputed med spa for such a procedure to ensure safe, comfortable, and effective outcomes.

Area of Treatment

The cost of laser hair removal treatments will be a factor of the total surface area of the body that needs to be treated. Some parts of the body such as the back, legs, thighs, or arms will require more extensive treatment. Other areas such as the face, underarms, or bikini area may need limited treatment only. The other key factor is the number of repeated treatments that may be necessary in a particular area. In some cases, the condition of unwanted hair may be minimal, requiring only one to two treatment sessions. However, in many cases, the patients may need four to eight treatment sessions to achieve the desired outcomes. The cost will be calculated usually on a per treatment session basis.

Average Cost

The average cost of treatment for smaller areas of the body will range from $350 to $800 per treatment session. The cost of treatment in case of extensive areas could be between $1,000 and $1,500 for each session. According the average cost estimates for laser hair removal treatment provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS), the average cost of this procedure in the United States is $430. The ASPS informs that this is just an indicative cost figure, while the actual cost will vary from one practice to another. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) says that most patients would require four to six treatments at the intervals of one to two months. As an elective procedure, the cost of laser hair removal is not likely to be covered under the patient’s health plan. See all Medical Spa Non-Surgical Procedures Dr. Bijan Farah performs on patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, CA, and surrounding communities. Schedule a consultation now.
Laser Hair Removal Treatment San Fernando | Encino | Sherman OaksLaser hair removal is widely recognized as the most efficient and long lasting solution to reduce and remove unwanted hair. Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by Dr. Bijan Farah, is a state of the art facility providing a range of anti-aging and aesthetic treatments, including laser hair removal. Patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, CA, and nearby locations have an opportunity to receive high quality treatments at the med spa in a safe and personalized environment.

Effective Solution

Undesirable hair growth can occur in several exposed or unexposed parts of the body, including the face, arms, legs, bikini area and the back. This can happen due to various reasons such as genetics, hormonal imbalance, or certain types of drugs. Traditional hair treatment approaches such as waxing, shaving or tweezing can offer temporary relief, but many women find these solutions painful and uncomfortable. Laser hair removal, on the other hand, is much more effective and long-term solution. Good candidates for this procedure are individuals with darker hair and light skin pigmentation. The pigmentation will absorb the sharp and intense laser beam in a precise way so that no harm is caused to the healthy surrounding tissue. Experts at Rejuvenate Medical Spa provide laser-based anti-aging as well as hair removal treatments to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, CA, and surrounding communities.

Laser Technology

Rejuvenate med spa is equipped with the Asclepion Mediostar Next laser technology. This is among the latest and most innovative laser hair removal machines that are available today. The technology is based on the “Gentle Gliding” principle and allows for “Pre-Cooling” of the skin. This ensures that the patient receives treatment with the least possible discomfort, and achieves long lasting outcomes.

Treatment Procedure

Laser hair removal procedure involves targeting of the melanin, which is the pigment present in the hair follicles. The laser light gets absorbed by the melanin, which causes disintegration of the follicle, and also stops future growth of hair. However, it will destroy only the hair in the current cycle of growth, because hair will typically grow in cycles. Therefore, four to eight treatments may be necessary to target and eliminate all the undesirable hair follicles during the various cycles of growth. Treatment sessions can be spaced four to six weeks apart in order to capture the targeted hair during their active growth phase. The entire procedure is largely painless, but the treatment expert may apply a topical anesthetic cream to keep the patient more comfortable during the treatment. The number of treatments for each patient may vary depending on their aesthetic goals, the condition of the hair and the hair growth pattern.


Laser hair removal procedure does not involve any risk of side effects that is typically associated with cosmetic surgery treatments. There is no downtime with the treatment, and the patient is ready to resume their regular activities immediately. If temporary redness occurs in the treated areas, it will disappear on its own within a few days. See all Medical Spa Non-Surgical Procedures Dr. Bijan Farah performs on patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, CA, and surrounding communities. Schedule a consultation now.  
botox depression treatmentBotox is arguably the most widely popular non-surgical anti-aging treatment in the world today. Ever since the Botox treatment was approved by the FDA in 2002 for cosmetic reduction of wrinkles and fine lines from certain areas of the face, it has been used by millions of patients with excellent results. Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by Dr. Bijan Farah, is a premier provider of Botox treatments to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, CA, and other areas. The med spa provides a range of latest non-invasive and minimally invasive aesthetic solutions in a state of the art, safe, and friendly environment.

New Information on Botox

Rejuvenate Medical Spa strives to remain updated with the latest advancements, innovations, and discoveries in the field of aesthetic enhancement. Dr. Farah likes to apprise his patients with relevant latest developments in the field in order to help them make well-informed choices. One of the newest discoveries about Botox has been outlined in a new book on Botox, which The New York Times has praised as the “first authorized biography” of Botox. The book looks into a unique aspect of how a traditionally aesthetic treatment could in fact be a cure for depression. The book titled “In the Face of Emotion” suggests that up to 50 percent of all wrinkle-reduction procedures such as Botox can substantially improve moods of a person, as well as their relationships with others. Botox is a widely used injectable anti-aging procedure, which can achieve wrinkle reduction for a period of up to six months with a single treatment and make a person appear younger. The interesting new fact about Botox is that in additional to achieving a more youthful looking face, it might also make the patient become free of any signs of depression.

Relationship between Muscles and Emotions

Dr. Farah has seen in his experience with numerous patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, CA, and other areas at his med spa about how a Botox treatment may help cheer up a patient more than before. Now scientists are linking this phenomenon to actual, physical reduction of facial lines and wrinkles. Frown muscles on the forehead are response for lines and wrinkles in the area. At the same time, these are also expression lines that may express typical negative emotions of anger, distress, fear, and sadness. When a Botox treatment is applied on the frown lines, the patient cannot physically form the expressions required to portray these negative emotions. The frown causing muscles have been temporarily paralyzed, and any formation of negative expression on the forehead is rendered impossible.

Darwin’s Theory

A theory by Charles Darwin, dating back to the 17th century, suggested that facial muscles are not just responsible for the expression of emotion, but they also play a role in how a person experiences and perceives those emotions. Darwin argued that if a human being limits the illustration of such feelings, the physical response to such feelings will also reduce. In other words, if the expression of frowning can be reduced, then the feeling and experience of sadness or anger will also be reduced in turn.  
Rejuvenate Medical Spa provides outstanding, awesome, and cutting edge anti-aging and other non-surgical aesthetic treatments. Led by Dr. Bijan Farah, the med spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, CA, and surrounding areas. Rejuvenate also employs state of the art laser technologies to provide innovative treatments for hair loss for both men and women.

Low Level Laser Therapy

One of the safest and most effective treatments for hair restoration is Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT). This is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment that does not involve any pain and discomfort, and provides positive results. Both men and women who are bothered by their condition of hair loss may consider this treatment. A low level laser refers to a ‘soft’ or ‘cold’ laser that does not emit any significant heat, sound, or vibration. While high intensity surgical lasers are designed to vaporize or burn targeted tissue, but low level lasers will not cause any aggressive tissue invasion or injury because they do not generate heat.

Convenient and Painless Treatment

Rejuvenate Medical Spa has adopted LLLT treatment approach to hair loss because of its inherent benefits of safety, convenience and comfort for the patients. Patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, CA, and nearby areas can receive this advanced anti-aging treatment at the med spa under the supervision of Dr. Farah. The facility is equipped with the Sunetics Clinical Bio-Stimulation Laser system. This is an innovative system that has perfected the low level laser emission technology, which makes hair restoration process simple and convenient. The patient can simply sit back and relax underneath the device while the treatment is performed. The Sunetics Clinical Bio-Stimulation is a pain-free solution for the problem of hair loss as well as hair thinning. The treatment involves no downtime, which makes it ideal for busy and working people. Medical studies have indicated that low level laser therapy with the Sunetics Laser system produce more significant results over a shorter period of time compared to any other low energy laser device.

Proven Efficacy

Sunetics laser technology received the FDA clearance in June 2013 for effective treatment for both male and female pattern hair loss. In the clinical trials conducted for FDA clearance, it showed that 93 percent of patient subjects who were treated with low level laser therapy achieved hair re-growth at an average of 22 hairs per sq. cm. LLLT has demonstrated efficacy in achieving stability and sustainability of hair over the entire scalp. It has shown proven success in the re-growth of hair in both the temporal and front areas of the scalp, where medications such as Propecia and Rogain may prove to be less effective. Clinical tests have shown that LLLT improves blood supply from dermis to the hair follicle. It stimulates up to 70 percent of ‘resting’ hairs back into active growth cycle, stops progressive hair loss, and enhances the natural strength and elasticity of hair. Hair follicles are augmented, providing the patient with thicker, fuller, shinier, and softer hair. Hair shaft quality is also enhanced and repaired.      
Wrinkles and blemishes are some dreaded imperfections that become inevitable with the aging process. The skin’s ability to repair itself declines with aging as the inner layer of the skin tends to thin out and the fat cells shrink to leave frown lines and crow’s feet. The repeated use of facial muscles causes fine lines near the corners of the mouth, better known as nasolabial folds. Pre-mature aging can have a negative impact on your self-esteem as you may find it difficult to accept along with the added pressure of social rejection. In the past anti-aging dermal fillers were used to fill in the facial lines. The inconvenience of getting frequent refills makes Belafill a much sought after permanent dermal filler, which unlike the temporary fillers does not get fully absorbed into the body.

What is Belafill Wrinkle treatment?

Belafill is an aesthetic wrinkle correction procedure that tends to improve the skin texture right from the first injection. The Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) micro-spheres suspended in the bovine collagen gel are injected into the nasolabial folds or the fine lines that begin under the nose to reach the corners of the mouth. The micro-spheres trigger the production of natural collagen in the body as they continue providing a firm foundation long after they have been injected into the nasolabial folds. A volume-less face gets an instant facelift with an Belafill Wrinkle correction treatment. PMMA with its proven safety record in treating a variety of ailments like cataracts, artificial joints, has been used for cosmetic soft tissue augmentation over a period of ten years. It is advisable to wait for six months before opting for another Belafill  treatment as its effects start showing up a bit slowly as the body continues building tissue. Small dosages injected at carefully spaced intervals will bring out the best results. You can also ask your doctor to show you some before and after photos of the treatment.

Artefill Wrinkle Treatment Before and After Photos

Belafill  Wrinkle Treatment - Reduce Wrinkles and Aging before and after photo Artefill Wrinkle Treatment - Reduce Wrinkles and Aging before and after picture Artefill Wrinkle Treatment - Reduce Wrinkles and Aging before and after pictures

After the treatment

An Belafill  Wrinkle treatment at a med spa usually requires one or two sessions as it is a safe and non-invasive procedure. This in-house procedure takes an hour or two to administer as Belafill  is administered in accordance with the facial fold assessment scale. A minimum grade of one requires half a syringe of Belafill  whereas a grade 5 needs two syringes to be injected into the fold. The effects of wrinkle correction can be observed right after the procedure as there is an instant facelift after the Belafill  solution has been injected. A mild swelling and redness at the treatment site is quite common after you have undergone a dermal filling. A mild bruising may sometimes occur at the injection site which is typically found to disappear within three to seven days.   To prevent any allergic reactions after an Belafill  treatment, it is advisable to undergo an allergy test for hypersensitivity to collagen implants or lidocaine in a medical spa. The anti-aging effect that an Belafill  treatment has over the skin is as remarkable as the underlying wrinkle correction process. Patients with a history of allergies to collagen products and anaphylaxis must refrain from Artefill treatment. Belafill  must not be used in and around the mouth or for lip augmentation. The results of an Belafill  wrinkle treatment are permanent and surgical intervention is the only solution to remove collagen for the reversal of the procedure. It is highly advisable to seek the services of a Board registered experienced physician like Dr. Bijan Farah. If you live in or around Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, CA, you can easily get an appointment from him. Belafill  wrinkle treatment before and after photos provided by
Artefill Wrinkle Treatment - Reduce Wrinkles and Aging before and after photosBelafill has been around since the past ten years under the brand name of Artecoll in the Canadian and European cosmetic dermal fillers market. The only permanent dermal filler to be approved in the US, Belafill contains lidocaine, a local anesthetic that lessens the discomfort while administering the injections. The cost of Belafill anti-aging treatment at a med spa depends on a myriad of factors ranging from the cosmetic goals of the procedure to the injecting expertise of the physician.

FDA approved dermal filler

Belafill has the distinct reputation of being the only FDA approved permanent dermal filler. The approval came through in October, 2006 after a series of clinical trials conducted at medical centers spread across the nation. The trials that spanned over 12 months came up with results that showed a remarkably longer duration of wrinkle correction with Belafill as opposed to the temporary dermal fillers. The follow up studies at regular intervals of six months and later after a year showed prolonged as well as safe wrinkle correction. A follow up of this study completed 5 years to prove the long term efficacy of Belafill . Since then Belafill has become the official permanent nonabsorbent wrinkle filler. The Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) micro-spheres suspended in the bovine collagen gel do not get absorbed by the body. The solution is injected just above the skin’s fat layer with a fine needle and the quantity used depends on the depth of the wrinkles. The appropriate amount to be injected is decided by the Board certified physician at a medical spa.

How much will Belafill  wrinkle treatment cost?

Belafill  Wrinkle treatment makes use of Belafill  solution that is nature identical with PMMA micro-spheres suspended in bovine collagen. The non-invasive procedure adds volume to your features by effectively filling up the furrows along the nasolabial region. The desired results by a patient seeking the Belafill  wrinkle treatment are a decisive factor in the overall cost structure of the procedure. The average price of an Belafill syringe has been found to be around $1000. A market survey from 2010-2013 indicates that a 0.8 ml vial of Belafill  had an average price of $1200. The current price of a 0.8 ml vial may vary between $1000-$1500 depending on the location of the medical spa and the expertise of the Artefill injecting physician. San Fernando Valley with its proximity to Los Angeles has an average price range of $1000 per syringe, which is slightly reduced in the subsequent sessions. The cost of undergoing an Belafill Wrinkle Treatment like all cosmetic procedures is not covered by health insurance. A board certified dermatologist may charge a slightly higher fee for the high quality care and the certainty of a complication-free treatment. However, payment plans and financing options offered by the doctors in Encino, Sherman Oaks and Calabasas, CA may make the expensive procedure affordable for many. Although the price to pay for an Belafill Wrinkle treatment may seem quite steep for a newbie, patients who have experienced temporary dermal filling sessions are sure to find it convenient and reasonable in the long run. It is advisable to go to a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon or an expert like Dr. Bijan Farah for optimal results. Artefill wrinkle treatment before and after photos provided by
Wrinkles are an inevitable consequence of the aging process. There are many factors that come into play to cause this dreaded imperfection. Exposure to ultraviolet rays is the primary cause behind premature aging. Continuous exposure to sunlight, air pollution and smoking have a damaging effect on the collagen fibers, known as the building blocks of the skin. Excessive strain on the facial muscles causes the development of furrows beneath the skin. The facial skin gradually loses elasticity as you struggle with expressions that never tend to change. Dermal fillers have been a respite for folks trying to counter laughing lines, although they need to be re-administered at regular intervals

Belafill wrinkle treatment

Belafill, of late has emerged as long term anti-aging solution for wrinkle problems as this micro-sphere enriched collagen filler lasts longer than a temporary dermal filler. The dual action of the bovine collagen in Belafill works on the wrinkles and gets effectively absorbed by the body leaving the Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) micro-spheres unbroken to provide long lasting support to the sagging nasolabial folds. PMMA micro-spheres suspended in the bovine collagen gel have been found to stimulate the production of natural collagen in the body as they effectively fill the facial wrinkles. A patch test wherein some collagen is placed on the patient’s forearm is conducted weeks in advance to ensure that the patient is not allergic to bovine collagen. The procedure of injecting the Artefill solution requires about an hour at a medical spa. Artefill Wrinkle Treatment - Reduce Wrinkles and AgingBelafill  can only be procured by physicians who have undergone product training. The mode of administering Belafill  is similar to that of temporary dermal fillers at a med spa. It requires two or three sessions, depending on the depth of the fine lines and wrinkles. The minimum downtime required for the procedure is an added convenience as you can resume your routine within a few hours after the treatment.

What makes it different?

Belafill is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure for a facelift within a fraction of the time required in an invasive facelift surgical operation. Temporary dermal fillers do not have a lasting effects as the natural or synthetic ingredients in the composition get completely absorbed by the body within nine months. On the other hand, the micro-sphere enhanced Belafill  solution stays intact in the skin to prevent the wrinkles from resurfacing back too soon. It not only evens out the grooves beneath the skin, but also provides structural support for a fine natural look. The cost of an Belafill  treatment varies between $1000-$1500 per syringe, depending on the goals of the procedure. The desired results may be achieved in a single sitting or may require multiple sessions at a med spa with weekly intervals. The average cost of a 0.8 ml Artefill syringe is around $1200. The final expenses of an Belafill treatment are subject to the expertise of the injecting physician and the number of syringes required to attain the desired cosmetic results. Dr.Bijan Farah with an expertise in injecting dermal fillers, offers Belafill  treatment. If you are a resident of Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando or Calabasas, CA, you can easily avail his service. Belafill  wrinkle treatment before and after photos provided by
CO2 Fractional Laser for Acne Scars, Facial Wrinkles, and Skin TighteningPeople experience some changes in their body or on their face as they mature. For some, teenage years might be focused on the problems of dealing with acne and other similar skin problems resulting from hormonal changes in the body. On the other hand, people above the age of 35 may start noticing skin issues such as wrinkles and sagging of facial skin. At times, the acne developed in teenage years leaves behind scars that may not react to natural or over the counter acne treatments.

CO2 Fractional laser treatment

CO2 fractional laser treatment is generally used for treating acne scarring, pigmentation of skin, wrinkles and facial lines and chloasma. It is a non-intrusive procedure in which a device is used to deliver a beam of carbon dioxide laser. The laser beam targets a fraction or specific area of the skin which is divided into thousands of microscopic zones to make the treatment focused and powerful. This treatment has revolutionized other anti-aging treatments and is also extremely effective for treating skin damaged by sun rays. Earlier there were two kinds of skin treatment options that were offered to the patient, namely ablative and non-Ablative. The ablative laser treatment principally focuses on the skin cells present right on the surface or the epidermis, whereas the non-ablative laser treatment deals with treating the middle layer of skin (dermal collagen). CO2 fractional laser treatment comes as a connector that fills the gap between these two treatments as it works on both the surface (epidermal) and middle layer (dermal) of skin. Dr. Bijan Farah, Medical Director, at Rejuvenate Medical Spa, specializes in  aesthetic surgeries using latest processes and technology. He has over 35 years of experience as a physician treating complicated medical conditions, providing all kinds of anti-aging solutions at his med spa.If you stay in or around the areas of  Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, CA, you can easily reach out to Dr. Bijan Farah with your skin problems.

How is the treatment done?

CO2fractional laser procedure involves a pre-treatment analysis for achieving effective results. It is important for the patient and doctor to have a detailed discussion pointing out the areas to be targeted for the CO2 laser treatment. This enables the doctor to develop a customized treatment for meeting the specific needs of the patient. Once the patient has washed and cleaned the facial area, an anesthetic cream is applied on the targeted areas for treatment. The effect of this cream is felt in about 40-60 minutes. After this, a gliding gel is applied on the areas to be treated. The purpose behind the application of gliding gel is than it enables the laser to lay down in a uniform MTZ pattern. The treatment lasts for about thirty minutes. With this treatment, the old and damaged skin is naturally replaced by a layer of healthy and fresh skin giving the face a youthful appearance. This skin improving procedure is quite painless and also extremely quick.
Treatment for Acne Scars, Facial Wrinkles, and Skin Tightening Cost C02 Fractional Laser CostWrinkle-free, clear, smooth skin, although a much desired attribute, is often left at just that. Aside from the aging process that cant be evaded, exposure to pollution and sun, can destroy the collagen and take a toll on your skin. Added to this, remnants of persistent acne, in the form of scars, can take the sheen of your face. Walking into a medical spa and undergoing a skin renewal treatment is your best bet at flaunting clear, younger-looking skin. A CO2 fraction laser helps in combating acne scars and age-lines. How does C02 fractional laser work? The C02 fractional laser uses a vaporization technique to remove the skin layer, as opposed to chemicals or sanding devices used in other techniques. The laser when directed to the problem area, creates deep, narrow treated area columns, which has healthy, untreated tissue around it. It gently removes the skin cells to expose the layers of skin lying under it. The heat given out by the laser beam, stimulates the collagen, which in turn leads to the formation of smoother and younger looking skin. You may have to stay at the medical spa for about half an hour or more to undergo the treatment. Once the treatment is completed, an ointment may be applied to the laser exposed skin to have a soothing effect. The individual may notice slightly reddened skin and swelling, after the procedure, says Dr. Bijan Farah, well-known in the areas of Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando and Calabasas, CA. The recovery period could take about one to seven days, based on the nature of the treatment. You can ask the doctor at the med spa, about your cleansing routine, and whether or not you are allowed to apply sunscreen or a moisturizer during the recovery period. Cost and other considerations of the treatment C02 fractional laser treatment can be used to treat the following conditions:
  • To treat sun-damaged or aged skin
  • To have anti-aging effects by reducing fine lines, wrinkles and pores
  • To treat pigmented skin and age spots
  • To tighten skin and enhance its texture
  • To treat acne scars
  • To reduce surgical scars and stretch marks
The individual may have to come in for one or more treatments, based on his/her condition. In terms of comfort, fractional laser treatment is far better than other laser treatments, although the doctor may apply a topical cream to desensitize the treatment area during fractional laser treatment. The collagen shrinkage during the procedure, leads to immediate effects of skin tightening. The improvement resurface as there are noticeable improvements in the collagen density and skin tightness in about 30 days following the treatment. The improvements steadily continue for nearly six months from the time of the treatment. The cost of the treatment varies across facilities, and is affected by the individual requirements for the treatment as well. The procedure can cost anywhere between $ 2,000 to $ 5,000, a small price to pay to renew your skin.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa is a state of the art facility for a wide range non-invasive anti-aging treatments. Headed by Dr. Bijan Farah, the med spa is equipped with some of the latest and proven technologies for non-surgical hair restoration for men and women. Patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, CA, and surrounding communities have an opportunity to receive innovative and effective solutions at Rejuvenate.

Factors Affecting the Cost

The cost of laser hair restoration may vary from one medical spa to another based on several factors. Patients need to consider all factors carefully in order to make an appropriate comparison, and then make their choice for treatment. A wide variety of anti-aging and hair loss treatments are available today, and patients must make the right choice according to their aesthetic needs as well as their budget for treatment. Hair loss_Laser Hair restoration Cost before and after pictures Location of the Medical Spa A med spa located in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, CA, may charge differently for laser hair restoration compared to another med spa offering the similar treatment in New York City. The cost of living index may vary from one region to another, which may impact the costs of most goods and services in a particular region, including hair restoration services. Choice of Treatment Hair loss restoration treatments may range from hair transplant surgeries to low level laser therapy to pill and lotion based treatments. Rejuvenate Medical Spa provides low level laser therapy (LLLT), which may cost significantly cheaper than surgical hair transplantation options. Even within LLLT treatment, different technologies may be used at different treatment facilities, which can make the cost different. Quality of Medical Spa The kind of technologies, equipment, general amenities and services at a medical spa may make some difference to the overall cost of the procedures offered. Experienced staff and treatment experts under the supervision of an experienced physician can have an impact on the quality and safety of treatments provided. Therefore, patients should consider all the aspects of a med spa and compare it against the probable cost of treatment.

Average Cost of LLLT

Rejuvenate Medical Spa focuses on LLLT as a marvelous, outstanding, and poignant non-invasive treatment for hair restoration. This treatment is substantially cheaper when compared to surgical treatment options or some of the invasive laser options. However, the average cost for a patient would depend on the number of treatments required. A comprehensive treatment plan would include regular weekly treatment sessions for a period of time that will be determined by the operating physician. A single treatment session may cost from $150 to $300, depending on various factors as discussed above.

Finance and Insurance

Hair loss restoration procedures are usually categorized as elective procedures performed for aesthetic purposes. In such cases, the treatment cost will not be covered under the patient’s health insurance plan. However, most patients can avail of financing opportunities through medical and aesthetic care finance companies. This can allow for convenient payment terms spread over a period of time in accordance with the personal budget of a patient. Laser Hair Restoration Before and After Photos provided by!male/cuje