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Revanesse Versa ®

Treat Nasal Folds with Revanesse Versa Revanesse Versa is a hyaluronic acid dermal filler that can be used to treat facial wrinkles or folds and also create natural, fuller lips. Compared to other dermal fillers, Versa produces more natural-looking results that last even longer. Versa can be used in the following areas:
  • Lips
  • Cheeks
  • Nasolabial Folds
  • Glabella (in between eyes)
  • Tear Troughs (under eyes)

Benefits of Versa

  • Natural-looking results
  • Long-lasting (up to 12 months)
  • 24% less swelling than competitors
  • Immediate results

The Versa Difference

Due to advanced wet milling technology and exclusive formula, Versa is a strong, homogeneous filler. This means that the particles are uniquely round and uniform to provide a nice balance between smooth and volume. The shape of the particles also helps the product last longer, along with premium hyaluronic acid containing a high molecular weight.

Lip Injections at Rejuvenate Medical Spa

While we highly recommend Versa, it may not be the right option for what you are looking for. There are many different lip fillers on the market today, and they each create different results. Schedule a consultation at Rejuvenate Medical Spa for a personalized plan to reach your lip goals!