What is Laser Hair Restoration?
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) - also referred to as laser hair restoration - is a nonsurgical, noninvasive, pain-less treatment for both men and women experiencing hair loss. The low level lasers are called “soft” or “cold” lasers, since they do not emit heat, sound, or vibration. Unlike surgical lasers that either vaporize or burn tissue, low level lasers do not generate heat or cause tissue injury.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa is excited to introduce the Sunetics Clinical Bio-Stimulation Laser: an in-office system that has perfected low-level laser energy technology, making hair restoration simple and convenient by allowing its users to sit and relax beneath the device while they receive treatment. The Sunetics Clinical Bio-Stimulation is a pain-free treatment solution with no downtime for women and men experiencing hair thinning or hair loss. Each treatment takes just 20 minutes, so come on over during your lunch break! Recent medical studies show that low-level laser therapy with the Sunetics Laser produces more dramatic results over shorter periods of time than any other low-energy laser device.

Clinically-Proven Results from Treatment with Low Level Laser Hair Therapy:
- Accelerates hair growth and regrows hair for 93% of patients.
- Increases blood supply from dermis to hair follicle root.
- Stimulates ~70% of 'resting' hairs back into active growth cycle
- Stops the progression of hair loss.
- Increases hair strength and elasticity.
- Augments hair follicles, giving patients fuller, shinier, softer, thicker hair.
- Repairs and improves hair shaft quality