Eyelashes Growth

What Causes Localized Eyelash Loss?
Eyelash loss can be an indicator of something serious if you are not losing hair from your scalp or eyebrows. Localized eyelash loss may be due to:- Cosmetic irritants: Your lashes can be harmed by periodic use of eye makeup, lash extensions, or heated/non-heated eyelash curlers. These irritants can speed up shedding. Eyelash loss can occur from allergens in extension glue and mascara as well.
- Blepharitis: This condition involves burning oritchiness accompanied by swelling and redness of the eyelids. It can cause eyelash loss as well. Blepharitis occurs when oil glands at the base of eyelashes get clogged causing chronic inflammation.
- Trichotillomania: Psychological distress or emotional stress can cause a person to pluck at their eyelashes habitually.
- Skin cancer: Skin cancer on the eyelid can result to a rare form of eyelash loss. Cancer cells may interrupt the growth of eyelashes causing thinning.
Hair Loss Accompanied by Eyelash Loss
You may be suffering from a systemic health problem or condition if hair is falling from the scalp and eyebrows along with eyelids. Common causes of such hair loss and eyelash loss are:- Alopecia: This is an auto-immune condition in which the body starts to attack hair follicles on the body, face, and head.
- Thyroid Disorder: Both hypothyroidism (depleted hormones) and hyperthyroidism (overload of hormones) can result in hair loss, including eyelash loss.