Facial telangiectasia, spider veins, and broken capillaries are visible red blood vessels that are thread like in nature. These blood vessels are not exactly broken. Walls of blood vessels that are nearer to the skin surface expand and weaken, eventually becoming more visible.
Spider veins or broken capillaries are usually caused by sun damage, extreme temperatures, rubbing, irritation, and harsh skin care treatments among other environmental trauma. They worsen when combined with other conditions, such as pregnancy, rosacea, and genetic factors.
The gold standard to treating minor spider veins on the face is IPL Photofacial. IPL is a highly effective treatment option or removing spider veins. It works better on light brown or white skin as compared to black skin. The kind of device used by the healthcare professional is another factor for the efficiency of the treatment. Broadband Light (BBL) technology is the most effective in case of spider vein removal.
Everyone responds in different ways to IPL Photofacial. You may need multiple rounds of therapy before you can begin noticing results. Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by board certified physician Dr. Bijan Farah, provides IPL Photofacial Broadband Light (BBL) skin care treatments to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding locations.
FAQ on Treating Spider Veins with IPL Photofacial
What is IPL Therapy?
Facial spider veins among other conditions can be erased using Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL). Enlarged pores, sun damage, rosacea, redness, and irregular pigmentation can also be treated using this therapy. Light beams are used on the skin surface to target imperfections using this procedure. Your skin tone will develop a more even look when redness disappears and spider veins fade away.
Is IPL Photofacial painful?
You may experience mild discomfort following the med spa treatment. However, the treatment is usually said to be painless. Your treatment provider may use skin cooling methods for minimizing discomfort.
How can I benefit from IPL treatments?
IPL is a beneficial treatment for people dealing with facial spider veins and broken capillaries. Additional treatment options can be used for reducing redness and making the skin tone more even.
How long do IPL Photofacial sessions last?
Your Broadband Light (BBL) med spa treatment session may last anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes.
How many sessions will I require?
Severity of the issue and your skin condition will determine the number of treatment sessions required. You may need anywhere from 3 to 4 treatment sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart on an average.
Recovery Following IPL Photofacial
It is possible that the treated area looks red or pink immediately following the treatment. The redness may last for 4 to 8 hours. Some people also notice a mild stinging sensation during this period. The feeling is similar to having a mild sunburn. You can use a cool pack or a moist cloth for easing the stinging. It’s vital that you moisturize the area for at least 3 months following your IPL Photofacial treatment.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas for Broadband Light (BBL) IPL Photofacial skin rejuvenation procedures.
Contact Rejuvenate Medical Spa in the Los Angeles, CA Area
Rosacea is because of a strong vascular component even if the exact cause of this condition is not completely understood. People suffering from Rosacea have diffused facial redness, flushing, and telangiectasia. Telangiectasia is characterized by small and widened blood vessels on the skin. Vascular response gets diminished by treating these blood vessels.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by board certified physician Dr. Bijan Farah, provides IPL Photofacial Broadband Light (BBL) skin care treatments to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding communities.
Rosacea Treatment with IPL Photofacial
Lasers can be effective in treating broken vessels that are easily traced and visibly defined. However, vascular lasers cannot be used for treating tiny vessels network that contribute to diffused redness. IPL Photofacial is a type of noninvasive med spa skin treatment that makes use of Broad Band Light (BBL) or Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) for targeting broken capillaries, telangiectasia, brown spots, and diffused redness within the skin.
IPL Photofacial treatments are highly effective in addressing flushing and redness component of rosacea. You should understand that IPL devices are not created equally. There are different “cut-off filters” in different devices that are used for targeting different things within the skin. For instance, the cut off filter that helps in treating freckles would not be effective on treating vessels.
IPL Photofacial device needs to have the proper cut-off filter if it has to be used for treating vascular concerns. Or else, the results would be sub-optimal.
IPL Photofacial for Treating Rosacea
IPL Photofacial is effective in treating flushing and redness component of rosacea. Vascular response gets diminished when rosacea causing blood vessels get treated. Patients with additional symptoms, such as burning and stinging sensation see dramatic improvement after a few treatment sessions.
However, you should know that IPL therapy will not be able to completely cure you of rosacea. It will however significantly treat the physical symptoms of the condition. On an average, you would need 3 to 4 BBL or IPL sessions for clearing up recurrent symptoms.
IPL treatment options are relatively quick and can be used for treating the entire face in just 20 minutes. The treatment option can be used for chest, face, and neck among other areas. It is usually recommended to have a series of at least three treatments. Results of IPL Photofacial are safe and highly desirable.
IPL treatment is a salient way for treating flushing and redness caused by rosacea. Vessels get reabsorbed over a period of 3 – 4 weeks reducing facial redness. Patients suffering from rosacea can benefit from dramatic reduction of their symptoms.
IPL Photofacial is a long-term and practically painless med spa solution for treating rosacea. You won’t have to suffer from disfigurement and discoloration that is accompanied by rosacea.
Care After IPL Photofacial Treatment
The most important thing that you need to do after IPL therapy is to stay out of the sun for a few days before and after the treatment. Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas for Broadband Light (BBL) IPL Photofacial skin rejuvenation procedures.
Contact Rejuvenate Medical Spa in the Los Angeles, CA Area
There are several skin conditions that can be covered up by makeup. This includes minor cases of hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation. However, flushing and facial redness is not something that can be covered up easily. Flushing and facial redness in response to an embarrassing situation or exercise is not problematic.
However, for individuals that suffer consistent flushing, it can become a huge problem. Their skin color may change even when they are not exerting themselves. For instance, they may develop facial redness after coming in contact with wind, when they get nervous, or when they drink alcohol.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by board certified physician Dr. Bijan Farah, provides IPL Photofacial Broadband Light (BBL) skin care treatments to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding locations.
Common Causes
These are a few common causes of flushing and facial redness:
Sun damage
Sensitive skin
Acne scarring
Facial redness to an extent is caused because of large quantities of superficial blood vessels. They flush easily when you have sensitive skin as well. Excessive flushing can be effectively reversed through IPL treatment in many people. These treatments have grown in popularity since they don’t involve nay downtime and can be completed in a few minutes. They are also highly effective.
Functioning of IPL Photofacial
IPL is an acronym for Intense Pulsed Light and is also called photo-rejuvenation. The med spa procedure is performed using devices that emit light of different wavelengths. This makes the procedure different from other laser procedures that only involve a single wavelength of light. Wider range of skin conditions can be treated since multiple light wavelengths are used in the procedure.
The device was designed with the sole purpose of treating different types of skin. Dramatic reduction in flushing and facial redness has been shown through a series of IPL treatments. A device is scanned over the area for performing the procedure. The patient is left with mildly red skin once the procedure is complete. However, the redness dissipates slowly after an hour.
There is little to no downtime required since your skin is not broken or wounded in any way. The procedure may not require you to change your daily activities or schedule as well. The ability to remove red or brown spots is an unintentionally positive side effect of these treatments.
IPL Photofacial is a transformative med spa procedure for people that constantly suffer from red spots on their skin. It provides immense confidence to these people to go out in the public without having to worry about their permanently flushed face. The best part about the treatment is that it is simple yet effective.
The fact that there is almost no downtime involved is causing more and more people to embrace the therapy. IPL Photofacial treatments are increasing in popularity as a way of addressing flushing, facial redness, and other skin issues. Another benefit of the treatment option is that there is no discomfort.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas for Broadband Light (BBL) IPL Photofacial skin rejuvenation procedures.
Contact Rejuvenate Medical Spa in the Los Angeles, CA Area
It can get difficult for damaged skin cells to repair themselves as the skin ages. This is particularly true for injury and acne scars. Age spots, freckles, and other forms of hyperpigmentation tend to become more prominent as we age. This has more to do with environmental factors and the fact that melanin and other skin pigments become concentrated in localized areas.
Hyperpigmentation is targeted by intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy without affecting the subcutaneous tissues or epidermis. IPL med spa treatment is similar to laser resurfacing. However, unlike laser energy, IPL energy gets absorbed by certain specific tones. Cells that are directly responsible for hyperpigmentation are affected in this instance.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by board certified physician Dr. Bijan Farah, provides IPL Photofacial Broadband Light (BBL) skin care treatments to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding communities.
How Does IPL Work for Hyperpigmentation?
IPL Photofacial treatment makes use of a device that emits a wide range of light frequency for correcting hyperpigmentation. Your treatment provider will choose an appropriate combination of wavelengths based on their initial observation.
Series of filters is contained in the device that reflects all unwanted light spectrum frequencies back. All remaining wavelengths get pulsed on the skin in rapid series of flashes. Your epidermal layer doesn’t stop the energy which eventually gets absorbed by the pigmented components that make up age spots, freckles, and scars.
Quite a bit of energy would be absorbed by the cells after a few pulses. This energy changes its form to heat energy. Pigmented cells making up capillaries and age spots get treated by this therapy. Capillaries eventually begin shrinking. In fact, the smaller ones may even close completely. Healthier cell growth replaces damaged cells soon.
You would need a series of therapy sessions for maximum results. There is no downtime required after IPL Photofacial med spa sessions. The results tend to be long lasting. Follow-up treatments are recommended by experts to ensure consistent and long-lasting results.
Prevention is Important
It is true that IPL treatment will reverse hyperpigmentation damage. However, the damage may soon resurface if you don’t prevent it. This is particularly true in case the damage is a direct result of UV rays. The best way to prevent hyperpigmentation and resultant spots is by using a sunscreen with at least 30 SPF. This is critical even when you are indoors.
You should also consider covering up when stepping outdoors. You could wear wide-brimmed hats and visors for protecting your face. Apply a high SPF sunscreen or cover up if you feel there are certain parts of your body that are more prone to hyperpigmentation. There are several clothing companies that offer lightweight clothing with SPF for added protection and coverage.
You should consider dietary changes and topicals to control melasma that occurs because of hormonal fluctuations. In case of acne, make sure you don’t excessively pick at them or touch them unnecessarily.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas for Broadband Light (BBL) IPL Photofacial skin rejuvenation procedures.
Contact Rejuvenate Medical Spa in the Los Angeles, CA Area
Freckles are nothing but excess skin pigmentation. IPL Photofacial can help in treating unwanted freckles. Your freckles can be made to fade away or lighten by using advanced Broadband Light (BBL) device on the skin.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by board certified physician Dr. Bijan Farah, provides IPL Photofacial Broadband Light (BBL) skin care treatments to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding locations.
Types of Freckles
Freckles are tiny skin areas that are darker than the surrounding skin. They are most likely to be present on the face, shoulders, arms, and other areas. They are more prevalent on people with lighter skin and with red or light blonde hair. However, they are common in people with other skin tones as well. This includes those with dark complexion. Freckles are likely to appear in places where the skin is exposed to sun. They are particularly prevalent among people of Celtic origin.
However, freckles are not an indication of unhealth. They are merely formed because color causing melatonin in the skin is not distributed uniformly. Freckles can range from red, orange, yellow, brown, and black.
They are of two broad categories:
Ephelides freckles are lighter colored spots that are flat and appear in the summer months. These spots tend to fade away during the winter.
Lentigines are darker in color and are present whether there is any sun exposure or not. These develop after sun damage or sunburn.
How Does IPL Photofacial Remove Freckles?
IPL Phototherapy is an effective way of treating freckles. Light energy gets easily absorbed by the darker areas in the skin. Melanin breaks down in this therapy that is the basis of each freckle. Surrounding area without excess melanin remain unaffected.
The more the contrast between the freckle color and skin, the easier it gets to correct pigmentation imbalance by using IPL. The therapy is effective even when used on dark complexioned people. However, it is not that effective in very dark-skinned people or people with deep suntans.
Light anesthetic or a cooling gel is applied on the skin to reduce discomfort during the IPL treatment. Each session takes about 30 minutes. You may require 3 – 5 treatment sessions before the results are final. Size of the treatment area determines the number of treatment sessions. Your treatment provider will recommend multiple treatments that are spaced out 3 – 6 weeks apart.
Recovery After IPL Treatment
You may notice individual pigmented spots to darken almost immediately. However, they will fade away as you get further treatment sessions. Your skin may also appear slightly swollen and red following the treatment session. These symptoms usually begin to disappear the next or same day. You should be able to resume all normal activities almost right away.
Health Considerations
Freckles are usually harmless. However, there are several other types of skin problems which may appear similar to freckles. These can be caused because of skin cancers or melanoma.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas for Broadband Light (BBL) IPL Photofacial skin rejuvenation procedures.
Contact Rejuvenate Medical Spa in the Los Angeles, CA Area
Solar lentigines or age spots are caused because of UV damage to the skin. This condition involves flat oval areas on the skin because of increased pigmentation. They are usually gray or brown in color and occur on skin areas with the most sun exposure. This can be on the shoulders, hands, face, back, and chest. IPL Photofacial therapy is a proven and effective treatment for removing age spots.
Age spots can range from a small freckle size to as big as 1 centimeter in diameter. They can be peppered together to appear more prominent. Age spots generally occur 15 to 20 years after severe sun damage or tanning bed damage. They are found to be most common in Caucasians. However, they are also present in darker skinned people.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by board certified physician Dr. Bijan Farah, provides IPL Photofacial Broadband Light (BBL) skin care treatments to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding communities.
How Does IPL Photofacial Work?
IPL Photofacial involved delivery of visible light which gets absorbed by the pigmented red areas of age spots on your skin. They are also absorbed by age spots that are yet to become visible. Heating of these target area results in therapeutic reduction.
How Does IPL Photofacial Feel?
IPL treatment feels like hot rubber band snaps. Best results are obtained when the entire area is treated and not just age spots. Your med spa expert will offer a prescription for compounded numbing medication that would need to be applied topically before the treatment.
Target Treatment Areas
Any body part that has solar lentigines or true age spots can be treated with IPL Photofacial safely. This includes chest, face, shoulders, backs, and hands. These areas have the most sun exposure. Skin that is densely covered with freckles responds well to the treatment as well.
Reappearance of Age Spots
Age spots treated once don’t usually reappear. However, new age spots may occur with fresh sun damage. This is why using a mineral based sunscreen is important, even when you are not outdoors. You should also follow ways to minimize ultraviolet damage.
IPL Photofacial Downtime
Skin is mildly red immediately after the procedure for up to 2 to 3 hours. Brown spots will begin to darken within the first 24 hours of the procedure. They will look like ground pepper flaked. After 2 weeks the spots will fade away. You can wear make-up immediately after the treatment for covering the redness and spots. You don’t need to take any time away from work or social schedules. You should be able to enjoy optimal outcome after a few treatment sessions.
Treating All Spots with IPL
Areas with extensive sun exposure and age spots can be effectively treated with IPL Photofacial. However, there are several pigmented lesions that cannot be treated with any light-based therapy. This includes moles, birthmarks, and lesions among other similar marks.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas for Broadband Light (BBL) IPL Photofacial skin rejuvenation procedures.
Contact Rejuvenate Medical Spa in the Los Angeles, CA Area
IPL Photofacial is an excellent therapy for erasing freckles and mild sun damage. It’s also a salient way to reduce light brown spots, red spots, and irregular pigmentation of the neck, face, and chest. Lentigines or brown and red spots can fade away in just a few treatment sessions.
Everyone is different when it comes to results. However, most patients don’t require more than 4 to 6 treatment sessions. You may require occasional maintenance sessions for keeping the skin looking healthy and young.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by board certified physician Dr. Bijan Farah, provides IPL Photofacial Broadband Light (BBL) skin care treatments to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding locations.
IPL Photofacial for Red and Brown Spots
You may notice an immediate darkening of the treatment area when treating hyperpigmentation (brown spots) or melasma (red spots). This is a common phenomenon and is nothing to worry about. Brown pigment present within the upper skin layers causes this temporary darkening.
Darkened area may begin to fade away in just 7 to 14 days. You may start to notice superficial brown spots lighten around this time as well. You should know that it will take more than one treatment session for the spots to vanish completely.
The type of spots being treated and the skin area determines the fading of hyperpigmentation. Pigment located within the deeper skin layers may darken because of excess pigmentation after the initial treatment session. Your treatment provider will recommend a series of treatment sessions for improving brown spots and deeper pigment issues. This would be done at a gap of one month for producing healthier skin with fewer dark spots and discoloration.
You may not be able to erase all discoloration and spots. However, you would get significantly lighter skin with an improvement in overall skin health.
Procedure for Melasma Removal
It is a complex and time-consuming process for treating melasma since pigmentation is present in the deeper skin layer. The skill and expertise of the treatment provider for IPL therapy will determine the results. This makes it important to visit a medical spa expert or licensed aesthetician. The only way for you to attain desirable results is if you get the treatment performed by someone who knows how to operate the equipment.
IPL Treatment Results
Improvement will be noticeable after a week of the first and subsequent IPL treatments. You will notice complete results only after 3 to 6 months and a series of IPL treatments spaced a month apart. The goal of your treatment provider will be to offer steady progress.
You will be recommended to schedule the therapy appointments a month apart since skin cells take about 30 days to turn. Your skin will get the time required for recovering and producing collagen. You should plan for a minimum of 5 sessions since IPL therapy builds on the previous treatment session. This will allow for clearer and more evenly toned skin.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas for Broadband Light (BBL) IPL Photofacial skin rejuvenation procedures.
Contact Rejuvenate Medical Spa in the Los Angeles, CA Area
Irregular discoloration of the skin because of sun damage can be reduced by IPL Photofacial. Irregular red and brown discoloration of the skin is caused by chronic sun damage. These broken capillaries or sun spots are in the skin surface. They make the skin look really old.
IPL Broadband (BBL) therapy helps in reducing these discolorations. The treatment helps make the skin tone bright and even. This is done by heating up the skin structures which hold color. This in turn helps in destroying or damaging the sun spot or blood vessel in a process called Selective Photothermolysis.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by board certified physician Dr. Bijan Farah, provides IPL Photofacial Broadband Light (BBL) skin care treatments to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding communities.
Sun Spots Treatment Using Targeted Wavelengths
Range of wavelengths is used in IPL Photofacial for targeting red and brown discoloration. Sun exposure causes this type of discoloration over the years. Filters can be used for cutting off light wavelengths which can be harmful in darker skinned patients. These filters help in decreasing the risk of normal pigment damage.
IPL is recommended by professionals for fairer skinned patients that have age spots, brown discoloration, and freckles, especially in the chest and face. Sun spots can be treated by Intense Pulse Light. It can also be used for treating rosacea, small veins, and other types of skin discoloration. The machine makes use of light for targeting blood and pigment within the skin while sparing other skin structures.
You won’t need more than 3 to 4 treatments making this a highly popular option. The therapy can also be used for reducing unwanted hair. IPL Photofacial is a profound method for reducing and effectively treating age spots, brown spots, sun damage, rosacea, wrinkles, and freckles. You may notice significant improvements after just one session. However, you would need at least 3 to 4 sessions of 45 minutes each for significant results.
Recovery and Healing: Time Taken by IPL
IPL treatment has a great advantage that it causes minimal damage to the most superficial skin layer. This means that recovery and healing is quicker as compared to other forms of acne and skin treatments. Patients would feel mild sunburn on the treatment area after each session. This sensation may last for anywhere from 4 to 6 hours.
Side effects can include reddening and slight bruising. Patients may also experience mild peeling after a few weeks. There are no serious side effects to this therapy. Some improvements may be noticed by patients after the first treatment. However, full results may take a few weeks to manifest.
Following tips can help speed up recovery:
Moisturize the skin using lotion
Use a cleanser to wash the face
Don’t apply makeup if the skin is sensitive
Always use a sunscreen of SPF 30 and more
Sun damage after getting this therapy can be harmful to the skin. Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas for Broadband Light (BBL) IPL Photofacial skin rejuvenation procedures.
Contact Rejuvenate Medical Spa in the Los Angeles, CA Area
IPL Photofacial is what you need if you have acne and are looking for the best way to get rid of them. An increasing number of doctors are recommending the treatment for acne scarring and severe acne. The treatment is also recommended for age spots, fine lines, and sun spots.
IPL Photofacial treatments can help clear up the most severe cases of facial acne with just a few sessions. IPL med spa therapy proves to be an easy and safe option for acne removal. It is unlike other alternatives such as oral antibiotic that may prove to be harmful for certain patients.
Three wavelengths or filters are used when treating acne with IPL Photofacial. These are:
420 nm (blue light): Destroys certain acne bacteria
560 nm (yellow light): Tends swollen acne lesions
590 nm (red light): Paralyzes overactive oil glands in the skin
Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by board certified physician Dr. Bijan Farah, provides IPL Photofacial Broadband Light (BBL) skin care treatments to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding communities.
Typical Acne Laser Treatment Through IPL Photofacial
The severity of your acne condition and skin condition will determine the exact treatment required. The typical treatment is about 4 – 6 sessions, each a few weeks apart. Sessions may last anywhere from 15 – 20 minutes to an hour. This also depends on the amount of skin that requires treatment.
Protective cooling gel is applied before each treatment for protecting the most superficial layer of skin from heat. This layer still allows IPL flashes to penetrate the deeper skin layers. The IPL device will then be pressed afterwards at the treated area. A flash light will then be emitted within the skin.
Tip of the device will be moved by the doctor across the target area to emit a flash at different point every time. This process will be repeated as desired by the technician or doctor with each filter.
How Does IPL Photofacial Work?
IPL Photofacial makes use of the science behind light-based treatment. It uses the body’s natural healing process for creating significant changes at the targeted area. Quick pulses of intense light are emitted by the device. IPL is a popular med spa Photofacial because it makes use of a broad-spectrum light source. This makes the treatment effective for a wide variety of conditions, such as rosacea, sun spots, acne scars, and others.
Typical laser procedures make use of a single light wavelength. IPL Photofacial is different since it releases pulse light of different wavelengths. This makes pulses more scattered and less focused. Deeper layers of the skin can be penetrated by scattered intense pulsed light.
Energy gets absorbed by pigment cells turning into heat when pulses touch the skin. Spots, hair follicles, freckles, and bacteria can be destroyed by the heat beneath the skin’s surface. These are just a few factors that directly relate to the formation of acne and can be addressed through IPL Photofacial therapy.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas for Broadband Light (BBL) IPL Photofacial skin rejuvenation procedures.
Contact Rejuvenate Medical Spa in the Los Angeles, CA Area
Broadband Light for IPL Photofacial is a modern technology designed for addressing several different types of skin conditions in a safe and noninvasive manner. Your med spa treatment provider will discuss various different facets of the treatment during the pre-op consultation.
The treatment provider will also offer to show before and after images related to the procedure. They will let you know how the treatment is expected to achieve your skin care goals. You should feel free to clear all your doubts and concerns during this consultation procedure. You should also review all before and after pictures carefully in order to make an informed and educated decision.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by board certified physician Dr. Bijan Farah, provides IPL Photofacial Broadband Light (BBL) skin care treatments to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding locations.
Understanding IPL Photofacial Before and After Images
IPL Photofacial before and after photographs refer to a group or pair of images that belong to an earlier patient. The patient should have undergone the same procedure with successful results. The images would include pictures taken before and after the laser treatment at a stage where the final results are established.
Your medical spa expert will make sure the photos are obtained with the express consent of the relevant patient. They will be presented to new patients in a discreet manner as well. Normally, the patient’s identity in these pictures is kept confidential. The sole goal of a provider is to ensure that new patients are educated about the effectiveness of the IPL Photofacial treatment in order to make the right decision.
Now right these images cannot be found on the website, but we all know websites can be updated without that much effort. You have to have a consultation anyway so you should ask to see these images or attempt to obtain more clarification on this treatment during that vital meeting.
New Patients Benefit from Improved Engagement
Providers can engage a patient’s interest and explain the procedure in detail using IPL Photofacial before and after images. Patients feel more confident when they see that the other patient had the same skin condition, which is better now after the therapy.
IPL Photofacial candidates will feel reassured that the treatment may work for them if they worked for others. Demonstrable evidence is reflected within before and after images. This helps in building a relationship of trust for creating a better bond between the patient and the med spa provider.
Dr. Farah, like all notable plastic surgeons, works hard to be transparent. Unlike some of our politicians who are not transparent Dr. Farah works hard so that he can never be criticized in that manner. His practice relies on people who are satisfied with his feedback regardless of their decision to sign up for a treatment or a surgery. There is a reason he’s successful and it’s because his integrity is always noticeable which is just another reason why his practice is successful.
He is respected in the community because he’s transparent and he works hard to make sure any potential patient has as much information as they need so they know what to expect from any treatment he provides with them.
Pictures Speak Eloquently
IPL Photofacial ‘before and after’ pictures tell the story far more effectively as compared to words. Words are subject to interpretation and are difficult to understand. They are also hard to believe in some cases. Pictures, on the other hand, don’t suffer from a language barrier. They don’t exaggerate the results. However, it’s fundamental that the treatment provider doesn’t tweak or morph the images in any manner.
Using Social Media for Information Dissemination
Strong value has been added to the idea of before and after Photofacial images through social media networking. Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook have hundreds of millions of users that can easily access these pictures. This can prove to be useful to cosmetic treatment providers.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas for Broadband Light (BBL) IPL Photofacial skin rejuvenation procedures.
Contact Rejuvenate Medical Spa in the Los Angeles, CA Area