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Coolsculpting Before and After Photos

Coolsculpting Before and After Photos

Coolsculpting Before and After Photos | Los Angeles | Sherman OaksCoolSculpting is an innovative body contouring med spa treatment that freezes fat cells away using a vacuum-like device. It is an ideal procedure for people seeking to eliminate fatty pockets from specific body areas in a nonsurgical way. The CoolSculpting expert may present before and after pictures of the procedure to new patients during the initial appointment. These pictures will help create an environment of transparency and allow the new patients to develop realistic expectations from the CoolSculpting procedure. After viewing CoolSculpting before and after photos, patients can make a judicious choice on the procedure. Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by Dr. Bijan Farah, provides CoolSculpting to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding locations.  

Developing a Connection with a New Patient

It is easier for the treatment provider to develop a connection with new patients by showing them CoolSculpting before and after pictures. Upon reviewing these images and understanding how this procedure impacted the appearance of previous patients, a new patient will immediately feel more comfortable and confident about the CoolSculpting procedure. The patient will be appreciative towards the CoolSculpting provider’s efforts to enable them to make an enlightened and informed choice. A majority of candidates would feel positive about the treatment with the understanding that if CoolSculpting worked for another patient, it could be an effective solution for them as well. CoolSculpting before and after photos can serve as a visual proof, and help create trust between the patient and the treatment provider as well as a good rapport with each other.  

Pictures are more Eloquent than Words

A med spa treatment provider can communicate their message much more convincingly when they present CoolSculpting before and after images. Pictures tell the real story much more effectively than mere words can. Pictures can enlighten the patient on the treatment outcomes where words can be hard to understand, incredulous, or unconvincing. The barriers of language do not apply to images as they tell the tale as it is with no exaggeration.  

Educating People on CoolSculpting through Social Media

CoolSculpting before and after images now have a higher outreach than ever before through social media platforms which can educate thousands of people on the benefits of innovative procedures such as CoolSculpting. Online platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube have billions of users who can easily access CoolSculpting images through these channels.  

Developing Realistic Expectations

CoolSculpting can provide dramatic outcomes to patients, but they should also be aware of the limitations of a nonsurgical procedure. It’s vital for patients to develop realistic expectations from the CoolSculpting treatment. Upon approaching the treatment with reasonable expectations, they will be much more inclined to appreciate the final outcomes better and feet satisfied with the results of the treatment. Importantly, before and after pictures also reduce the risk of any disappointment in the future as the patient has clarity on what CoolSculpting can and cannot do for them right at the outset. It is all about transparency and no one should sign up for an elective surgery unless they know exactly what they are signing up for. This is why the consultation is so vital. The patient and the clinic should be on the same page. As much anxiety as possible should be eliminated. Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas for CoolSculpting. See all Medical Spa Non-Surgical Procedures Dr. Bijan Farah performs on patients in Los Angeles, Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Tazana, Woodland Hills, CA, and surrounding communities. Schedule a consultation now.

How much does Coolsculpting Cost?

How much does Coolsculpting Cost? | Los Angeles | Sherman OaksCoolSculpting is an innovative med spa procedure that can help remove undesirable fatty deposits from specific areas of the body in a nonsurgical manner. The procedure does not involve any significant risks or downtime making it especially sought-after by busy mothers and working professionals. In comparison to plastic surgery such as liposuction, CoolSculpting is much more cost-effective. The physician will explain various aspects of CoolSculpting to the patient during the pre-treatment consultation, including its approximate costs. Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by Dr. Bijan Farah, provides CoolSculpting to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding communities.  

Cost Comparison with Surgery

Fat reduction plastic surgery, such as liposuction, is typically more expensive in comparison to CoolSculpting. This noninvasive treatment precludes expenses for IV sedation or general anesthesia which are usually necessary for surgical procedures for fat reduction. Plastic surgery can be complex and invasive requiring careful pre and post-op planning and care. Aspects such as these will add significantly to the cost of the procedure. But CoolSculpting does not typically involve most of these expenses. The time taken for a single CoolSculpting session is between 30 to 60 minutes and can be performed in-office. A fat reduction surgery will take place at a hospital or surgical facility which will involve further costs. However, CoolSculpting is performed in-office and precludes the costs associated with a surgical facility.  

Elements Affecting CoolSculpting Costs

CoolSculpting costs may differ between two practices and even between two patients at the same practice due to various reasons. Location of the Practice The cost of cosmetic procedures is usually higher in main urban centers compared to smaller towns in the interiors. The living and overhead costs are typically higher in metropolitan cities and prime urban centers which translate into higher costs of goods and services, including the cost of cosmetic procedures such as CoolSculpting. Extent of Treatment The costs of CoolSculpting med spa treatment can differ between two patients depending on the extent of the treatment that a patient needs in a particular body area. The treatment of larger areas such as the abdomen, butt, thighs, or back may cost more than that of smaller areas such as the knees, chin, ankles, or cheeks. The number of treatment sessions that a patient requires will affect the total cost of the procedure as well.  

Financing Your CoolSculpting Procedure

If the patient requires CoolSculpting in multiple areas involving many treatment sessions, the overall costs will be determined on the basis of the number of treatment areas and the number of CoolSculpting sessions that the patient needs. Most patients can seek financing for the procedure from professional medical care firms. Furthermore, they can also consider other options for financing their CoolSculpting treatment such as private loans, bank loans, and credit cards. The patient can also ask their treatment provider for information on any financing plans that they offer. It may cost the patient a little more in the long-term if they charge interest, but making monthly payments can reduce their upfront costs.  

Is CoolSculpting covered by Insurance?

Insurance providers typically do not provide coverage for aesthetic (cosmetic) procedures such as CoolSculpting. The patient can ask their provider for any discounts or payment plans that they may offer to offset their treatment costs. Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas for CoolSculpting. See all Medical Spa Non-Surgical Procedures Dr. Bijan Farah performs on patients in Los Angeles, Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Tazana, Woodland Hills, CA, and surrounding communities. Schedule a consultation now.

What is Coolsculpting?

What is Coolsculpting? | Los Angeles | Encino | Sherman OaksStubborn fatty deposits can spoil the contours of the body and contribute to an unappealing body shape. The FDA-cleared CoolSculpting body contouring procedure can help people lose unwanted fat in a non-invasive manner. CoolSculpting med spa treatment simply freezes the fat off to restore a sleeker, more appealing figure. CoolSculpting is commonly used in areas such as the thighs, hips, breasts, legs, love handles, and upper arms. CoolSculpting makes use of many innovative applicators such as CoolMini to treat smaller areas such as under the chin. Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by Dr. Bijan Farah, provides CoolSculpting to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding locations.  

Natural Looking Body Contours

CoolSculpting offers more conservative, natural looking, and entirely noninvasive aesthetic results in comparison to surgical procedures. The complete breaking down of fat cells occurs over a few months. Therefore, the outcomes appear natural and are sustainable. Others will be oblivious to the fact that the patient has undergone a fat loss procedure. Many other techniques for body contouring involve extraction, heating, or shattering the fat cells. On the other hand, CoolSculpting uses an innovative cooling process.  

Minimal Downtime

A significant advantage of CoolSculpting med spa treatment is that the patient will not experience any major discomfort or downtime. Working professionals and busy moms are increasingly seeking CoolSculpting as it allows them to quickly resume their routine or go back to work after their treatment session. Working people could even undergo CoolSculpting during their lunch hour and subsequently return to work.    

How does it Work?

The revolutionary cryolipolysis technique forms the basis for the CoolSculpting procedure. This technique was developed by Harvard scientists and involves the release of cold energy to freeze and kill the targeted fat cells. The body slowly reabsorbs these dead fat cells through its natural metabolic processes. As the dead fat cells leave the body, the patient will notice a more contoured and slimmer body shape. The procedure involves a few treatment sessions of around 40 minutes each. CoolSculpting does not involve incisions, needles, medications, or anesthesia.  

Fat Removal

CoolSculpting aims to remove undesirable fatty pockets without causing harm to the surrounding healthy tissue. Almost 20 percent of the fat cells are removed during the procedure. Once these fat cells are removed, they cannot re-grow and are permanently eliminated. It is important for patients to remember that CoolSculpting is a fat loss and body contouring procedure, but it is not meant for weight loss. In case the patient gains weight, the fat cells that remain in the treated area will also grow in size. This will adversely impact the body contours attained through CoolSculpting.  

Real Results

The fat cells will begin to crystallize and die upon being frozen. The body will eliminate these dead fat cells over a few weeks. After only one treatment session, patients can usually notice the difference. However, more fat reduction will require multiple treatments. Most patients will experience around 20 percent fat reduction in the treated sites with most dramatic outcomes visible in around two to four months.  

Innovations in CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting now offers an innovative 3-in-1 CoolAdvantage applicator. This can treat a more substantial surface area in one session and deliver colder temperatures for quicker action. This advancement has reduced the CoolSculpting treatment session time by almost 50 percent. Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas for CoolSculpting. See all Medical Spa Non-Surgical Procedures Dr. Bijan Farah performs on patients in Los Angeles, Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Tazana, Woodland Hills, CA, and surrounding communities. Schedule a consultation now.

Coolsculpting Recovery Time

Coolsculpting Recovery Time | Los Angeles | Encino | Sherman OaksFor people seeking to remove unwanted fatty deposits in a non-surgical manner, CoolSculpting could be an excellent treatment option. This fat reduction and body contouring procedure is popular due to its efficiency, convenience, and no significant downtime.   In comparison to many other non-invasive body contouring med spa techniques which may involve RF, lasers, or ultrasound energy, CoolSculpting has a faster recovery time, and significantly lower risk of complications. Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by Dr. Bijan Farah, provides CoolSculpting to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding communities.  

Minimal to No Recovery Period

CoolSculpting avoids the need for any needles, incisions, medications, or plastic surgery. As a result, the patient does not require any significant post-treatment healing. The key characteristics of CoolSculpting are:
  • The treatment is painless and does not involve any discomfort during or after the procedure.
  • It can easily be undertaken in-office.
  • The time taken to complete the treatment is under one hour.
  • CoolSculpting is a noninvasive procedure, and there is no need for needles, anesthesia, incisions, or traumatic tissue suction.
  • The procedure does not present post-surgical complications.
  • Techniques using heat energy may cause a burning sensation, but this does not occur with CoolSculpting as it uses an innovative freezing technique.

Appropriate for Busy Moms and Professionals

The downtime after a fat reduction procedure is often a concern for working professionals and busy moms. For such patients, CoolSculpting is an ideal procedure. They can resume their routine almost immediately after the treatment with no limitation on their normal activities or food consumption. Patients with a busy lifestyle can undergo CoolSculpting med spa sessions at their convenience. Busy professionals can receive this treatment during their lunch hour/break and subsequently return to work after their session. They may have to make an appointment though ahead of time so they don’t have to wait in the waiting room.  

No Long-term Recovery Period

CoolSculpting does not involve the use of anesthesia or sedation. For this reason, it does not cause the temporary side effects or need for monitoring that usually occurs with general anesthesia use. This procedure does not create a wound bed, and the patient does not need sutures as in the case of liposuction. Therefore, CoolSculpting does not involve any specific downtime. Patients undergoing noninvasive laser body contouring or high-strength chemical peels require time to heal after the procedure. However, CoolSculpting does not involve the use of sharp laser, chemicals, acids, or ultrasound energy. Rather, it uses gentle cooling applicators to provide precise and targeted treatment to the problem sites. It does not disturb the normal tissue around the targeted site. It also does not involve the aggressive manipulation of fat cells.  

Mild Side Effects

The patient may experience side effects such as temporary numbness, soreness, and a slight tingling sensation in the treated sites. In some patients, there may be mild bruising in the treated areas. These minor side effects subside in some fays and do not impact the patient’s routine. The side effects are likely to be minimal in the hands of an experienced and skilled treatment provider.  


The CoolSculpting provider will provide the patient with details on the benefits and side effects of the procedure during the initial consultation. The patient will understand how to know if anything is out of the ordinary and when to reach out to the doctor. CoolSculpting has become the most popular treatment for getting rid of unattractive fat pockets due to its minimal recovery time and slight side effects. It provides patients with beautiful outcomes in a safe and predictable way. Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas for CoolSculpting. See all Medical Spa Non-Surgical Procedures Dr. Bijan Farah performs on patients in Los Angeles, Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Tazana, Woodland Hills, CA, and surrounding communities. Schedule a consultation now.