Advantages of J Plasma
As per Dr. Bijan Farah, J Plasma is similar to pushing a “reset” button on your skin. Surgical procedures such as facelift can lift and “reposition” facial skin. However, there are many limitations of surgery, including risk, discomfort, downtime and cost. Also, a surgical facelift does not resurface the skin. This can leave the patient with the same, damaged and discolored facial skin. On the other hand, J Plasma treatment dramatically contracts the skin and removes years of damage from facial skin in an efficient way. J Plasma for skin resurfacing can significantly improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and irregular pigmentation, which may not be possible with traditional surgical facelifts. Additionally, the same device can smoothen and tighten neck and under eye skin. J Plasma utilizes a gas plasma technology which is superior in comparison to a laser resurfacing. Rejuvenate med spa treatment providers may advise treatments for the full face. But they also undertake spot treatment of the mouth, neck/jowl region, and eyes. J Plasma is a single, once-in-a-lifetime in-office treatment. Dr. Farah and his team perform this procedure in office under only tumescent and oral anesthesia.Ideal Candidates
An ideal candidate for this procedure is any individual who wants to address problematic sites such as:- Age Spots
- Pigmented facial skin
- Imprinted lines or Wrinkles
- Acne Scars
- Sunspots
- Melasma