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Nail Fungus Treatment

What is Nail Fungus?

Nail Fungus los angelesOnychomycosis or nail fungus is a common condition that typically appears as a yellow or white spot underneath the tip of a fingernail or toenail. In absence of timely treatment, the fungal infection can spread deep into the nail, creating conspicuous aesthetic concerns. Topical or oral anti-fungal medications may only provide temporary relief, and the nail fungus may recur. Laser treatment at a qualified med spa can offer an advanced way to get rid of nail fungus with minimal risk of recurrence. The procedure is safe and effective with long-term results. However, to ensure success, the laser treatment should only be performed by an expert laser technician under the supervision of an experienced physician. Pillar of the community Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by Dr. Bijan Farah, provides advanced laser based solutions to treat nail fungus for patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding locations in this region of SoCal.

Fotona’s ClearSteps Onychomycosis Treatment

Rejuvenate med spa is equipped to provide this cutting edge treatment that utilizes the power of Nd:YAG laser energy to treat nail fungus. The controlled laser beams penetrate through the infected nail and skin tissue, providing even heat through the targeted area. The heat energy works to eliminate the parasitic fungi which are creating the nail infection. At the same time, the laser treatment process promotes the body’s natural immunity and growth factors, which activate to restore the affected nail to its original health and appearance. ClearSteps onychomycosis treatment will create long lasting effects and is more efficacious than traditional topical and oral treatments. At the same time, it avoids the side effects often associated with oral anti-fungal drugs.

Laser Expertise at Rejuvenate Med Spa

To achieve optimal benefits from an advanced laser procedure such as ClearSteps, it is vital to ensure that the procedure is performed only by an expert. The medical team at Rejuvenate Medical Spa is fully trained to provide this innovative laser application. In fact, Rejuvenate is the only practice in greater Los Angeles area to provide this advanced laser technology. Every laser procedure is preceded by a detailed medical assessment and consultation with Dr. Bijan Farah, who will create a custom onychomycosis treatment plan based on this state of the art laser technology by Fotona. The procedure is designed to clear up the fungal infection in a sustainable manner and without damaging the skin surface.


The ClearSteps nail fungus removal procedure involves the following steps that are performed in an outpatient setting:
  • The laser treatment provider will file down the infected nail to ensure that laser energy thoroughly penetrates the targeted area.
  • The controlled laser pulses will be administered in a circular pattern over the affected surface area of the nail in a precise way.
  • In the final step, the laser technician will focus the laser energy around the perimeter of the nail bed and the skin tissue of the infected toe or finger.
Profound and amazing Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas across the horizon for laser nail fungus treatment. See all Medical Spa Non-Surgical Procedures Dr. Bijan Farah performs on patients in Los Angeles, Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Tazana, Woodland Hills, CA, and surrounding communities. Schedule a consultation now.