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Hair Replacement Before and After Pictures

Ask to See PRP Hair Replacement Before and After Pictures

Hair loss and hair thinning are common problems for both men and women. Some of the latest non-surgical med spa techniques can help to achieve permanent hair restoration. During the initial consultation process, the treatment provider will explain all aspects of the procedure and address the patient’s queries and doubts in detail. The provider may also present hair replacement before and after images at the first appointment. The first goal in any anti-aging or aesthetic consultation is to educate the patient and help them make an informed choice. Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by Dr. Bijan Farah, provides hair replacement treatments to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, CA, and surrounding communities.

What are Hair Replacement Before and After Photos?

Before and after photos in case of hair replacement med spa treatment refer to a pair or group of images belonging to a previous patient who has received the same treatment with positive results. The photos include images taken prior to the treatment and after the treatment at a stage when all treatment sessions have been completed and full results of the procedure are established. The hair replacement expert will ensure that these photos are obtained with the patient’s consent. The identity of the patient is usually kept confidential, unless the patient desires otherwise. The expert will present the photos before new patients in a discreet way. The only purpose behind this exercise is to make new patients fully aware of the potential results of the hair replacement anti-aging procedure, and enable them to make an informed decision.

Photos Speak a Thousand Words

The use of digital technology has transformed many industries – this is not the only one. With the use of digital technology, anyone can see exquisite pictures so they can realize almost exactly how this surgery will affect them. This eliminates long conversations with the surgeon and meetings with them in an attempt to understand how this surgery will look on their body because of these poignant pictures – the conversations between the surgeon and the potential patient are much more acute since everyone is close to being on the same page before many times a patient even calls the clinic in the first place. A picture speaks a thousand words rings true here. Digital technology has brought the doctor and the patient closer together which has helped so many people obtain the look and body they want. Now and in addition to this, there are more satisfied customers or patients, not only because of digital picture quality, but because of other advancements as well.


Hair replacement treatment is an evolving field, and a new patient may not be aware of the latest developments and cutting edge innovations in treating hair loss. They will naturally be a little unsure or apprehensive about seeking a hair replacement procedure. Each patient’s hair loss condition may be unique, requiring an appropriate procedure. The treatment provider can recommend the appropriate procedure, while presenting various treatment options and their pros and cons. The patient is in a better position to choose the right procedure when hair replacement before and after pictures are available. Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, CA, and nearby areas for hair replacement.

Staying Realistic

It is natural for a patient to be upset or bothered about their hair loss condition. In such a state of mind, a patient may pin very high or unrealistic hopes from the hair replacement procedure. To counter this possibility, an experienced provider will ensure that the patient is shown hair replacement before and after pictures at the very outset. Once the patient reviews the pictures, they will know exactly what to expect and what not to expect from the procedure. Such patients will typically achieve higher satisfaction levels in the end. It will also minimize the risk of any misunderstanding occurring for the patient at any stage. They also provide hair replacement before and after pictures on their practice website for free access to all. See all Medical Spa Non-Surgical Procedures Dr. Bijan Farah performs on patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Tazana, Woodland Hills, CA, and surrounding communities. Schedule a consultation now.