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FAQ about Laser Hair Re-growth

FAQ about Laser Hair Re-growth

FAQ about Laser Hair Re-growth | Calabasas | Encino | Medical SpaAdvanced laser treatments from a qualified med spa are an effective way to achieve hair re-growth for people suffering from hair loss. Rejuvenate Medical Spa is a leading provider of laser hair treatments to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, CA, and surrounding locations. Low Level Laser Hair Therapy (LLLT) or “Cool Laser” involves the use of a series of laser diodes to expose the affected areas of the scalp to cool laser energy. Unlike traditional lasers, this treatment does not produce heat, causes no discomfort or side effects, and stimulates cellular metabolism and protein synthesis for hair re-growth.  

What is the Difference between Cosmetic and Medical Lasers?

A number of cosmetic ‘cool’ lasers are available today, but these are not approved for hair re-growth and do not require medical supervision. Medical lasers, on the other hand, involve a medical procedure performed under medical supervision at a qualified med spa and by prescription only.  

How does the Laser Hair Re-growth Treatment Work?

In case of LLLT, the controlled pulses of laser are carefully delivered into the scalp tissue at a depth of a few millimeters. The deeper cell structures absorb the laser energy, positively impacting the targeted hair follicles.  

Am I a Profound Candidate for LLLT?

Men and women in the early stages of hair loss as well as women who experience hair thinning can benefit from LLLT hair re-growth. If the hair loss in men is more than five or six years, it may not be ideally treated with LLLT.  

When will the Results become Visible?

Hair loss will start reducing typically within the first two to three weeks after about five or six treatment sessions. Hair re-growth will start occurring in about five to six weeks after 10 to 12 treatments. Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, CA, and nearby areas for laser hair re-growth.  

What are the Clinical Trial Results presented before the FDA?

An approved clinical trial was conducted with results reviewed in three phases. After the first phase of 20 treatments, 92 percent of the patients showed a hair count increase of at least 10 percent, with 60 percent reporting an increase of at least 30 percent.  

What is the Duration of the Treatment Process?

A single treatment session with LLLT will take about 20 minutes. While partial treatment programs are available, the maximum benefits of laser hair re-growth can be achieved with a treatment program of about one year. It will include about 70 treatment sessions.  

How much will the Treatment Cost? 

The monetary amount will vary according to the individual diagnosis and treatment. Affordability and flexibility of payments is possible with full and partial programs and various health care financing options.  

Will it be Painful?

LLLT for hair re-growth causes little to no sensation during the procedure. This cool laser therapy is completely comfortable for most patients.  

What are the Risks Involved?

LLLT is completely safe and meets all international safety standards and specifications of a “non-significant risk” product. See all Medical Spa Non-Surgical Procedures Dr. Bijan Farah performs on patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Tazana, Woodland Hills, CA, and surrounding communities. Schedule a consultation now.

Tips to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal

Tips to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal | Calabasas | Encino | Med SpaLaser hair removal is a med spa procedure to get rid of unwanted hair in any part of the body. To achieve optimal results, the patient should follow certain do’s and don’ts before and after the procedure. Rejuvenate Medical Spa provides laser hair removal to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, CA, and surrounding locations.  

Before the Treatment

  • Avoid sun exposure at least two weeks before and after the laser hair removal procedure. Irritated skin is more prone to injury and hypo-pigmentation.
  • Stop using any topical medications two weeks before treatment.
  • Avoid threading, waxing, plucking, or bleaching the hair for a month prior to laser hair removal.
  • Keep the affected area shaved and free of any cosmetic products on the day of the laser treatment.
  • Inform the med spa treatment provider about any specific past or present health issues, habits or concerns as a part of medical history.
  • Provide details about any prescription or general medications and herbal supplements that you may be taking, including those purchased from a chemist.

After the Treatment. Keep the treated area clean and dry for best results.

  • You may use a topical soothing skin care cream or gel following the treatment. If the area continues to feel hot, you can apply a cold pack at home. However, do not let ice packs or ice come in direct contact with the skin.
  • You may take anti-histamine drugs as per the doctor’s advice in case your skin is particularly sensitive and susceptible to histamine reactions.
  • Avoid using makeup that contains too many chemicals because it may restrict the breathing of the skin.
  • Do not scratch or pick the treated area.
  • Between the laser treatment sessions, do not use waxing, threading, plucking or lotions because it will disturb the hair follicle. Shaving is acceptable.
  • Avoid sun exposure to minimize the risk of hyperpigmentation. Apply a sunscreen of minimum SPF 30 throughout the course of treatment.
  • In the weeks following the treatment, the treated hair will shed. This is in the normal course, and you can simply clean and remove the hair by wiping the area with a wet cloth.
  • Following the underarm hair removal, apply medicated powder instead of a deodorant for at least 24 hours to reduce skin irritation.
  • Avoid very hot bath or shower and steam or sauna for about one week. Normal bathing is acceptable.
  • Avoid swimming in strongly chlorinated water for about one week.
  • Skin exfoliation, chemical peels and procedures such as microdermabrasion should be avoided for at least a week or performed under the advice of a therapist.
Rejuvenate Medical Spa, led by Dr. Bijan Farah, receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, CA, and nearby areas. See all Medical Spa Non-Surgical Procedures Dr. Bijan Farah performs on patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Tazana, Woodland Hills, CA, and surrounding communities. Schedule a consultation now.

9 Tips about Laser Tattoo Removal

9 Tips about Laser Tattoo Removal | Calabasas | Encino | Sherman OaksMany people tend to change their mind about a permanent tattoo at some point of time in the future, and may choose to have it removed. A qualified med spa may offer advanced laser tattoo removal procedure. Rejuvenate Medical Spa provides laser tattoo removal to patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, CA, and surrounding locations. The following tips will help a patient acquire a better understanding about tattoo removal:

Not Every Tattoo may be Removed Fully

While laser tattoo removal is the most effective non-surgical procedure to remove permanent tattoos, the patient should have realistic expectations. Depending on the quality and shade of the ink used, skin type, the size and age of the tattoo, and other factors, some tattoos may fade only partially.  

Older Tattoos are Easier to Remove

Contrary to popular belief, older tattoos are easier to remove. Laser treatments are generally more effective on older tattoos as compared to newer ones. Fading will be better in older tattoos, and fewer treatment sessions will be required in case of older tattoos.  

Location of the Tattoo Matters

Tattoos can be placed on almost any part of the body. In general, tattoos placed in the hands or feet will fade more easily with laser treatment. Fading is usually slower for the tattoos located further down the leg or arm, or difficult to reach areas.  

Skill of the Tattoo Maker

If the permanent tattoo was placed by an amateur provider, it will usually be easier to be eliminated with lasers. Professionally created tattoos may be harder to remove because of the intricacy and depth of the tattoo.  

Different Tattoo Shades will Fade Differently

Different tattoo colors will have to be removed using different lasers. Each dye will respond to varying light wavelengths. Black and dark green tattoos are the easiest to remove, while bright colors such as yellow, purpose or fluorescent dyes are the hardest to fade.  

Impact on Skin Texture

When the permanent tattoo was inked, it may have altered the skin texture or create some scars. While the tattoo is in place, those imperfections are hidden by the dyes. However, once laser tattoo removal is performed at a med spa, those hidden skin changes may become visible.  

Sunscreen is recommended

The skin pigment will either darken or lighten over and around the tattoo location following laser treatment. Therefore, it is advisable to apply sunscreen before and after the laser procedure to minimize alterations to the skin pigment.  

Darkening of the Skin

Specific cosmetic tattoos such as white, pink or flesh-colored ones may become dark immediately following laser treatment. It is generally possible to correct this effect with additional treatment. If immediate darkening of the skin is an issue, then laser should first be tested on a small, discreet spot.  

Risk of Allergy

A few individuals may have experienced an allergic reaction such as swelling or itching while receiving the tattoo. In such cases, the laser tattoo removal provider should be informed so that steps can be taken to avoid a similar reaction during removal. Rejuvenate Medical Spa receives patients from Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana, CA, and nearby areas for laser tattoo removal.   See all Medical Spa Non-Surgical Procedures Dr. Bijan Farah performs on patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, San Fernando, Calabasas, Tazana, Woodland Hills, CA, and surrounding communities. Schedule a consultation now.